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23 June 2024

CDs & Downloads - Willowhayne Records

A listing of CDs and downloads available from Willowhayne Records and our associated labels. Worldwide shipping (free in the UK).

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Nicola Rose (piano)Born in London into a musical family, Nicola Rose began her musical training as one of the founding girl choristers at Salisbury Cathedral. She is a graduate of the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama where she was the recipient of numerous awards and she continued working there as a Junior Fellow before completing her studies at the National Opera Studio in London.

As a repetiteur, Nicola has worked with Welsh National Opera, Music Theatre Wales and Barefoot Opera as well as with the education and community departments of The Royal Opera House, Garsington Opera, English National Opera and Opera Holland Park.

Nicola recently received notable critical acclaim for her work as music director of Welsh National Opera’s Rhondda Rips it up! – a newly commissioned work by Elena Langer about the suffragette movement in Wales.

Nicola has a wealth of experience in extending performances outside the mainstream theatres and concert halls, as an alumna of Yehudi Menuhin’s Live Music Now scheme, a current member of Lost Chord and a pianist and conductor of the Forget-me-not Chorus. She has worked as a vocal coach and repetiteur on the Italian Opera Summer School in Southern Italy, at Zurich Opera Studio and at the Indemini Music Festival in Switzerland. She is currently a pianist and vocal coach at the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama and enjoys working throughout the UK with instrumentalists and singers alike.

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Hampshire, PO14 9WJ
United Kingdom

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