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27 July 2024

CDs & Downloads - Willowhayne Records

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Rory MoulesRory Moules is an Oxford based organist and choral director currently holding the positions of Director of Music at the Oxford Oratory and Assistant Organist at Radley College. Prior to this, Rory completed degrees and held the positions of organ scholar at The Queen’s and Keble Colleges before taking up the post of Director of Music at Corpus Christi College and Associate Organist at Magdalen College.

Alongside playing the organ Rory greatly enjoys working as a collaborative musician, in particular as a continuo player and piano accompanist. Having previously studied the
organ with Christopher Tambling, David Bednall and Matthew Martin, Rory currently is taught by Stephen Farr and David Maw. Rory is a Fellow of the Royal College of Organists.

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