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07 June 2024

CDs & Downloads - Willowhayne Records

A listing of CDs and downloads available from Willowhayne Records and our associated labels. Worldwide shipping (free in the UK).

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Daniel Rieppel (piano)Pianist Daniel Rieppel, a Minnesota native of Austrian descent, holds performance degrees from the Cleveland Institute of Music and Indiana University, and earned his Doctor of Musical Arts degree from the University of Minnesota under Lydia Artymiw.  His principal teachers include Jack Radunsky and Leonard Hokanson, as well as John Perry at the Aspen Music Festival.   Before relocating to the Twin Cities, he studied in Munich, Germany with the eminent German pianist Gerhard Oppitz.

Daniel Rieppel has worked as a chamber musician with members of the Minnesota Orchestra and the Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra, and is a founding member of The Schubert Trio. He has appeared as soloist with numerous ensembles, most recently the Bloomington Symphony Orchestra (Minneapolis), where he was soloist in Brahms’ Piano Concerto #1 in D minor.  He is a frequent performer on the Chiron Festival in Brooklyn, New York.

He has performed widely in the US, Latin America and Europe, including the Palais Corbelli in Vienna and in duo recital with the Austrian violinist Risa Schuchter.  Dr. Rieppel is a frequent collaborator of the “Alfredo de Saint Malo” International Music Festival, performing with violinist Frank Almond, Concertmaster of the Milwaukee Symphony in recent years.

A recognized Schubert scholar, Dr. Rieppel has lectured and performed Schubert’s works in New York City, Vienna, and at Oxford University.  He has published articles on Schubert’s sonatas, including the journal “Durch die Brille,” of the Internationales Franz Schubert Institut.  He was awarded a Fulbright fellowship to Vienna, Austria in 2004.  Dr. Rieppel has served as Professor of Music at Southwest Minnesota State University since 1998, and is also on faculty at the MacPhail Center for Music in Minneapolis.

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