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07 June 2024

CDs & Downloads - Willowhayne Records

A listing of CDs and downloads available from Willowhayne Records and our associated labels. Worldwide shipping (free in the UK).

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George Barton (percussion)George Barton is a solo, chamber and orchestral percussionist and timpanist based in London.

He is a member of the Colin Currie Group and has also worked with the London Symphony OrchestraOrchestra of the Age of EnlightenmentNash EnsembleBritten SinfoniaAurora OrchestraCity of Birmingham Symphony OrchestraBirmingham Contemporary Music GroupLondon Mozart PlayersMusic Theatre WalesBBC SingersMahogany Opera GroupNotes InégalesRiot Ensemble and London Contemporary Orchestra, among many other ensembles and orchestras.

As a solo artist George has performed at the Music at Oxford concert series, the Southbank Centre's "The Rest is Noise" festival, the "Occupy the Pianos" festival at St John's Smith Square, and at a number of Nonclassical events across London, among other venues across the UK. He was principal percussion soloist in the premiere of Benedict Mason's massive Hotel Paradiso at the TransArt festival, Bolzano. His collaboration with Turner Prize -winning artist Jeremy Deller at the Barbican's Station to Station festival was featured on BBC2's Artsnight. He was featured soloist at Filthy Lucre's The Sounding Body concerts and clubnight.

As an ensemble and orchestral player he has performed at all the major London concert halls, including at the BBC Proms every year since 2014, as well as such venues as the Cologne Philharmonie, Elbphilharmonie Hamburg, Tokyo Opera City, and many others.

He has performed chamber music at various venues around the UK and abroad, including the Concertgebouw Grote Zaal, Amsterdam, Cité de la Musique, Paris, Delft Chamber Music Festival, Royal Festival Hall, and Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival.

With duo partner Siwan Rhys he is one half of the GBSR duo, a piano and percussion duo developing a national reputation for exceptional interpretations of the existing piano-and-percussion repertoire, well-chosen commissions, and committed performances of new works.

£4.00 - £4.99

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Willowhayne Records Ltd
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+44 (0)1329 234337

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