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07 June 2024

CDs & Downloads - Willowhayne Records

A listing of CDs and downloads available from Willowhayne Records and our associated labels. Worldwide shipping (free in the UK).

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François Killian (piano)Born in Paris in 1962, François Killian joined the class of Jean and Geneviève Doyen at the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique de Paris (CNSM), aged just 15.  Two year later he performed Scriabin's Piano Concerto with the Orchestre Philharmonique de Radio France.

François continued his studies at the CNSM with Ventsislav Yankoff, and went on to win the first prizes for piano and chamber music in 1980. The following year he won the ARD International Piano Competition in Munich.

He left France to study at the Hochschule für Musik, Hannover, with Karl-Heinz Kämmerling and passed the Konzertexamen in 1986 during which time he made many recordings with national radio stations. He was invited to play with several orchestras under the batons of Théodore Guschlbauer, Emmanuel Krivine, Jesus Lopez-Cobos, Jean-Bernard Pommier, Hubert Soudant and Michel Tabachnik, and has appeared at the Salle Gaveau in Paris, the Théâtre des Champs-Elysées, the Berlin Philharmonie and Konzerthaus, the Music Festival of la Roque-d'Anthéron and Nantes (La Folle Journee), and at the Wigmore Hall in London.

In 1999 he set up the European Fine Arts Trio with Tomasz Tomaszewski, concert-master of the Deutsche Oper Berlin, and Pi-Chin Chien. They have recorded Paul Juon's Triple Concerto with the Philharmonic Orchestra of Krakow, and all of Beethoven's Piano Trios.

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