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26 June 2024

CDs & Downloads - Willowhayne Records

A listing of CDs and downloads available from Willowhayne Records and our associated labels. Worldwide shipping (free in the UK).

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John Hosking (organ)John Hosking is Director of Music at Holy Trinity, Southport, following fourteen years as Assistant Director of Music at St Asaph Cathedral. He is also one of the organists for the BBC's Daily Service.

A student at the Royal College of Music, John became Organ Scholar of Westminster Abbey in 1996 and is the only person to ever hold this post for a period of three years.  During this time, John played the organ for many Royal and State occasions, broadcast for the BBC and played twenty solo recitals in the Abbey.

In much demand as a recitalist and accompanist, John appears on several commercially available CDs, the most recent being Musick to Heare for the Willowhayne Records label with his duo partner, soprano Olivia Hunt. John and Olivia specialise in promoting Italian and English song from the 16th and 17th centuries, with a busy schedule of performances throughout the UK. They have been broadcast seven times on the BBC's Introducing scheme. As a solo recitalist, John made his debut recital at Notre-Dame Cathedral, Paris in 2015 and has played in most of the UK's major venues.

Increasingly active as a composer, John has completed commissions for Bangor, Chester and Peel Cathedrals, St Martin-in-the-Fields and the Conwy Music Festival. His Requiem was premiered in the 2013 North Wales International Music Festival and his large-scale work, The Seven Trumpets premiered in December 2013. John's new setting of the Requiem, 'Missa pro defunctis' was premiered on the opening night of the 2016 North Wales International Music Festival. The Choir of Selwyn College Cambridge together with the Ely Cathedral Girls' Choir have released a complete disc of his choral works for Regent Records to critical acclaim. John's largest work for organ, The 14 Stations of the Cross (commissioned as part of Sebastian Thomson's Angels of Creation series) has been released on the Convivium label; this recording was Editor’s Choice in Organists’ Review magazine. His new Toccata for organ is published by Banks Music, with the remainder of his compositions published by Chichester Music Press.

£8.00 - £14.00
£8.00 - £14.00

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