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08 June 2024

CDs & Downloads - Willowhayne Records

A listing of CDs and downloads available from Willowhayne Records and our associated labels. Worldwide shipping (free in the UK).

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Alexey Aslamas - 1st violin, Ondřej Hás - 2nd violin, Matěj Kroupa - viola, Štěpán Drtina - cello

The quartet was founded in 2011 and has made a name for itself with innovative programming. In addition to playing works both classical and contemporary, a special focus lies in the quartets of Pavel Bořkovec which the group has recorded for Czech Radio. The violist of the quartet, Matěj Kroupa, is the composer’s great-grandson and, in addition to promoting Bořkovec’s work he also, like his forebear, composes theatre and film music. This points to something else that makes the quartet exceptional: two members (Matěj Kroupa and Alexey Aslamas) compose and arrange extensively which increases the ensemble’s repertoire. It also allows the group to expand into multiple genres, for example in the collaboration with guitarist Michal Pavlíček and singer Monika Načeva. The quartet tirelessly promotes contemporary Czech composers such as Jiří Adámek and Martin Smolka, performing the latter’s chamber opera The Maze of Lists. The quartet was a finalist in the Johannes Brahms Competition Pörtschach (Austria 2018).

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