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27 July 2024

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James FellowsJames Fellows is Artistic Director and founder of Luceat, and a doctoral researcher at the University of Oxford. With Luceat he directed the first studentled performance in Oxford of Bach’s Mätthaus Passion, and at aged 21, directed their first recording Assumpta est Maria. In 2022, he will lead the choir at concerts in Keble College Oxford, St John the Divine and St Thomas Fifth Avenue, New York, alongside David Briggs. James’ academic research looks at the choral and liturgical tradition of San Petronio, Bologna during the sixteenth century. This project follows a distinction in his master’s thesis on a little-known polyphonic fragments found in both Bologna and at Lincoln Minster.

James is equally active as an organist, holding the positions of Organist at Pusey House and Graduate Organ Scholar at Trinity College Oxford. He has performed in venues across Europe and the UK on tour and recordings with the choirs of Keble College and St Giles’ Church, notably in the Basilica of St Francis of Assisi and Notre Dame de Paris. He regularly gives recitals, recently at Christchurch Cathedral, Blenheim Palace and The Queen’s College Oxford.

James is an Associate of the Royal College of Organist, studying organ with William Whitehead, and conducting with Hilary Davan Wetton.

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