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27 July 2024

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Andreas Hanson (conductor)Andreas Hanson, born in 1969, was the conductor and Director of Music of the Swedish Navy Band during the years 1998–2010. He grew up in a family with many musical traditions, including the musical life of the Salvation Army. In Stockholm, he took music classes at the Adolf Fredrik Church, attended the Södra Latin School, and studied at the Royal College of Music, where he was studied the trumpet in the years 1987–1993 and took conducting classes in 1993 –1996.

Hanson did his military voluntary service with the Army Band in 1989 as a Solo Cornet and Assistant Conductor. He was employed as Solo Trumpet in the Stockholm Wind Symphony Orchestra in 1990 and studied trumpet in New York with Philip Smith the same year.

In 1992, Hanson was employed as Conductor of the Stockholm Wind Symphony Orchestra, and studied with Sir Andrew Davis and the BBC Symphony Orchestra in London in 1995. His studies continued in 1995 with Carlo Maria Giulini in Milan, where he specialised in Italian opera and orchestral repertoire. He has received the Royal Academy of Music’s major International Scholarship twice and in 1999 received the Crusell Scholarship for young Swedish conductors.

Hanson has conducted a significant number of operas and has worked with many major artists, including Göran Söllscher, Karl Ove Mannberg, Lars Roos, Staffan Scheja, Malena Ernman and Martin Fröst. He has also conducted in Lithuania, Poland, and Russia, among other countries, and in the United Kingdom he conducted at the 2000 BBC Proms. Since 1995, he has been teaching conducting and orchestral music at the Royal College of Music in Stockholm, and was made Lecturer in Orchestral Conducting in 2004.

The orchestras he has conducted include the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, the Swedish Radio Symphony Orchestra, the Sundsvall Chamber Orchestra, the Västerås Sinfonietta, the Gävle Symphony Orchestra, the Swedish Chamber Orchestra, the Gothenburg Wind Orchestra, the Dala Sinfonietta, the Gothenburg Symphony, the Malmö Symphony Orchestra, the Norrköping Symphony Orchestra, and the Radio Choir.

Hanson was elected to the Royal Swedish Society of Naval Sciences in 2008.

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