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27 July 2024

CDs & Downloads - Willowhayne Records

A listing of CDs and downloads available from Willowhayne Records and our associated labels. Worldwide shipping (free in the UK).

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Marius Hensby (trombone)LT Com Marius Hesby: Trombone (born 1976) has a Master’s degree from the Norwegian Academy of Music, studying with Prof. Ingemar Roos. He has been a member of The Royal Norwegian Navy Band since 1999. Between 2001-2004, Marius was one of the musicians under the Rikskonsertenes (Concerts Norway) soloist programme and was the first musician to partake in the Norwegian Band Forces Soloist Programme from 2009-2012. As soloist, Marius has performed with several Norwegian orchestras, the Oslo Philharmonic, Bergen Philharmonic, Trondheim Symphony Orchestra, the Norwegian Radio Orchestra and various Bands of the Norwegian Armed Forces. Among composers who have written solos for Marius are Arne Nordheim, Jon Øyvind Ness, Ørjan Matre and Mark Adderly. His recording of Arne Nordheim’s Fonos for trombone and orchestra was nominated in 2011 for a Norwegian Grammy Award (Spellemannspris).

£8.00 - £11.16

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