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27 July 2024

CDs & Downloads - Willowhayne Records

A listing of CDs and downloads available from Willowhayne Records and our associated labels. Worldwide shipping (free in the UK).

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Xander Croft (violin)Xander Croft received a Music and Dance scheme Scholarship in 2011 to study violin and piano at the Junior Royal Northern College of Music, where he studied with Ulla Benz and Steven Wilkie, with whom he continues to study.

Xander won the Caerwys Young Musician of the Year competition in both 2014 and 2015, before going on to win the Rotary International Great Britian and Ireland Young Musician of the Year competition in 2016. He has been awarded the Ian McPherson price, the Rohi Gazder price for violin, and the Rotary prize for performance by the JRNCM, before being offered the Albert and Eugene Trust Scholarship to attend the RNCM.

A keen chamber musician, Xander is a member of the Freeman String Quartet. Formed in October 2017, the group became winners of the RNCM Nossek Prize for chamber music in the same year, before being invited to perform in the RNCM Chamber Festival. The group has performed across the UK and became the first quartet in residence at the South Downs International Summer Music Festival in 2018.

As an orchestral musician Xander has performed in prestigious venues which include the Berlin Konzerthaus, Bridgewater Hall and Szczecin Philharmonic Hall. He has led both the National Youth Orchestra of Wales and the JRNCM Symphony Orchestra, and also toured with the International Lutosławski Orchestra.

Xander plays an Italian violin made by Mathias Albani in 1702 which is kindly loaned to him by the RNCM, and a bow made by L. Morizot from the collection of Dr Andrew Winter.

£8.00 - £14.00
£8.00 - £14.00

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Willowhayne Records Ltd
PO Box 804
Hampshire, PO14 9WJ
United Kingdom

LC Code - Willowhayne Records

+44 (0)1329 234337

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