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27 July 2024

CDs & Downloads - Willowhayne Records

A listing of CDs and downloads available from Willowhayne Records and our associated labels. Worldwide shipping (free in the UK).

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Ondřej Vrabec (horn)Conductor and horn player Ondřej Vrabec is an extraordinary figure on the Czech music scene. Whilst many leading instrumentalists feel drawn to the conducting baton from time to time, few can say that they have maintained such an impressive international schedule in both spheres. Ondřej Vrabec became solo horn of the Czech Philharmonic even before sitting his final school examinations at the age of 17 and has remained in that position ever since. He has also acted as Assistant Conductor for the same orchestra for many years - in fact only Jiří Bělohlávek has conducted them more this century!

Graduating from the Prague Conservatory and the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague, he has won numerous international prizes. He has regularly collaborated for many years with the world's élite wind players, performing alongside Maurice Bourgue in the oboist's renowned ensemble. He frequently presents solo recitals and is intensively involved in chamber music, primarily with the Brahms Trio Prague (whose Brahms Horn Trio recording was hailed by Fanfare magazine as "probably the greatest ever"), the PhilHarmonia Octet, Juventus Quintet, Czech Philharmonic Horn Club etc..

Ondřej Vrabec has directly and indirectly stimulated the creation of a large quantity of contemporary horn music - concerti, chamber and solo works. The majority of these are dedicated to him, with their international premieres being both performed and, as a rule, recorded by him. These include the Double Concerto for horn and orchestra by Peter Seabourne. As soloist he appears widely on the world's stages from London to Tokyo with major orchestras. He is also Professor of Horn at the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague.

In addition to conducting the Czech Philharmonic he has made guest appearances with numerous other orchestras including Japan Philharmonic, New Japan Philharmonic, Reykjavík Chamber, London Soloists Chamber, Danish National Symphony, Prague Chamber Philharmonic and Lviv Virtuosi. He has performed as horn soloist with dozens of domestic and foreign orchestras. Above all, Ondřej Vrabec is a consummate musician with a staggering technique. Always meticulously prepared, he brings excitement, inspiration, insight and huge creative energy to every performance. Audiences feel immediate engagement and electricity when he plays! He is, in short, one of the world's great horn players.

ber of the Orchestra Academy of the Czech Philharmonic and Prague Philharmonia. A laureate of competitions, she received first prize in the 2017 International Competition for Wind Instruments in Brno, and in the 2014 Pro Bohemia Ostrava. She was also awarded the Olega Podgorný Prize at the International Music Competition, Prague Spring 2018. Hana´s performances as a soloist have included appearances with Brno Philharmonic, Young Symphony Orchestra Brno and Helfert Chamber Ensemble. Together with Ondřej Vrabec she recorded the Double Horn Concerto by Franz Habermann. Hana is a member of the Czech Philharmonic, Czech Wind Harmonie, and the Orchestra Academy of Chamber Music in Prague.

£7.49 - £13.99

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