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27 July 2024

CDs & Downloads - Willowhayne Records

A listing of CDs and downloads available from Willowhayne Records and our associated labels. Worldwide shipping (free in the UK).

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Royal Norwegian Navy BandThe Royal Norwegian Navy Band was established in 1820 and has been located at Horten in the south of Norway, on the western bank of the Oslo Fjord south of the capital Oslo, since 1850. The Band is a unique and popular ensemble and plays concerts both in Norway and abroad with its 29 highly educated professional musicians. The Band gives 130-150 performances each year and has travelled on tours and military assignments to France, Russia, China and Spain, among other countries. The Band has also visited Afghanistan twice to perform for both Norwegian and foreign troops. The Royal Norwegian Navy Band won a Norwegian Grammy award in 2003 and has collaborated with several of Norway’s most famous singers and musicians in both concerts and recordings. In addition to playing traditional band music, the Band has made its mark playing classical, contemporary classical, jazz, rock and pop music.

£8.00 - £11.16

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Willowhayne Records Ltd
PO Box 804
Hampshire, PO14 9WJ
United Kingdom

LC Code - Willowhayne Records

+44 (0)1329 234337

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