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27 July 2024

CDs & Downloads - Willowhayne Records

A listing of CDs and downloads available from Willowhayne Records and our associated labels. Worldwide shipping (free in the UK).

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Y2Y2 has been the winning formula for Yelian He and Yasmin Rowe since 2008. The name represents not only dedication towards performing the greatest repertoire, (both old and new) but also embodies a discipline to explore the depth of communication between two artists on stage.

Y2 has also achieved outstanding success on the world's competition stages, notably 1st Prize in the 2009 Royal Over-Seas League String Competition in London and the Grand Prize and Audience Prize in the 2014 Australian Cello Awards Competition (now amalgamated as the Young Performers Awards) in Sydney.

They recently toured China with performances and live broadcasts in Shanghai Concert Hall, Shanghai Grand Theatre and Wuxi Grand Theatre. Other venues include the Wigmore and Bridgewater Halls as well as venues across Europe, Asia and Australia in major cultural events such as the Edinburgh Festival Fringe, Brighton Festival, Adelaide International Cello Festival and Woodend Winter Arts Festival. In November 2016, they performed in Melbourne with renowned violinist Wilma Smith (ex-concertmaster of Melbourne Symphony Orchestra) which has led to the formation of their trio Rock, Paper, Scissors in 2017.

Website (Yelian He)     Website (Yasmin Rowe)          YouTube Channel (Yelian He)     YouTube Channel (Yasmin Rowe)

£8.00 - £13.99

Apple Digital Master Approved

Willowhayne Records Ltd
PO Box 804
Hampshire, PO14 9WJ
United Kingdom

LC Code - Willowhayne Records

+44 (0)1329 234337

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